来打印log,但是这样每次调试完还得一个个删除,若忘了删除够段时间再次调试时候一堆log淹没真正需要的信息。记得刚去学长所在公司时候他介绍过lldb,不过因为当时还基本不懂开发,也没在意。如今在简书上看到这篇久违的的LLDB篇一,让lldb提升你的效率 和LLdb篇2教你使用faceBook的chisel来提高调试效率 决定好好一下lldb的使用,从此告别没完没了的println()
lldb入门 打印log 打印log是最常用的调试方法,但是目前所用的println()
1 2 3 4 5 var a = 10 for i in 0 ... 3 { println(a) a += 2 }
3.断点上右键单击编辑断点,添加一个Log Massage “a被赋值”。
4.增加一个Debugger Command po a
5.增加一个Debugger Command p a
6.勾选automaticlly continue after evalating value,这样程序不会中断继续执行。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 a 被赋值10 a 被赋值12 a 被赋值14 a 被赋值16
print可以用来打印变量的值 如 print resultCount
, pri
, p
其他lldb基本命令 expression
expression 可以改变一个值,例如expression s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (lldb) po a 22 (lldb) e a = 10 (lldb) po a 10 (lldb)
continue会取消暂停,继续执行下去到达下一个断电,LLDB中使用process continue,别名continue,或者使用缩写c
step over会执行当前这个函数,然后继续。LLDB中使用thread step-over,next或者缩写n
step into指跳进一个函数调试。LLDB中使用thread step in,step或者s
step out会继续执行到下一个返回语句,然后再次停止
thread return会在当前断点处直接返回出函数,函数剩余部分不会被执行。LLDB中使用thread return NO
breakpoint list可以看到所有断点,简写br li
breakpoint set可以创建断点,缩写br
lldb进阶 - chisel
安装chisel chisel 的安装非常简单,只需要brew install chisel
1 2 3 4 ==> Caveats Add the following line to ~/.lldbinit to load chisel when Xcode launches: command script import /usr/ local/opt/ chisel/libexec/ fblldb.py ==> Summary
1 command script import /usr/ local/opt/ chisel/libexec/ fblldb.py
,若可以看到一下的user-defined commands
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Current user-defined commands: alamborder -- For more information run 'help alamborder' alamunborder -- For more information run 'help alamunborder' binside -- For more information run 'help binside' bmessage -- For more information run 'help bmessage' border -- For more information run 'help border' caflush -- For more information run 'help caflush' .. . .. .
基本命令 用chisel命令不需要专门添加断电,需要时候直接暂停即可。
pviews pviews可以打印出view的层级关系,如下
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (lldb) pviews < UIWindow : 0x7ffd6141b590 ; frame = (0 0 ; 320 568 ); gestureRecognizers = < NSArray : 0x7ffd61410530 > ; layer = < UIWindowLayer : 0x7ffd61417390 >> | < UIView : 0x7ffd6159f680 ; frame = (0 0 ; 320 568 ); autoresize = W + H ; layer = < CALayer : 0x7ffd6159b3e0 >> | | < UIView : 0x7ffd6159f790 ; frame = (75 362 ; 123 96 ); autoresize = RM + BM ; layer = < CALayer : 0x7ffd6159b450 >> | | < test.ClockFaceView : 0x7ffd6159c480 ; frame = (75 103 ; 200 200 ); autoresize = RM + BM ; layer = < CALayer : 0x7ffd6159b7b0 >> | | | < _TtCC4test13ClockFaceView14ClockFaceLayer: 0x7ffd6159b490 > (layer) | | | | < CAShapeLayer : 0x7ffd6159cd50 > (layer) | | | | < CAShapeLayer : 0x7ffd6159da70 > (layer) | | < _UILayoutGuide: 0x7ffd6159fb40 ; frame = (0 0 ; 0 20 ); hidden = YES ; layer = < CALayer : 0x7ffd6159feb0 >> | | < _UILayoutGuide: 0x7ffd615a05b0 ; frame = (0 568 ; 0 0 ); hidden = YES ; layer = < CALayer : 0x7ffd615a06e0 >>
show/hide 可以显示和隐藏某个view
1 2 (lldb) hide 0x7ffd6159f680 (lldb) show 0x7ffd6159f680
border/unborder 可以为某个view增加和取消边框,方便定位
1 2 (lldb) border 0x79ec3140 - c green - w 2 (lldb) unborder
pinternals 打印出来的一个控件(id)类型的内部结构,非常详细。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 pinternals 0x7ff1ab5a6770 (UIView) $14 = { UIResponder = { NSObject = { isa = UIView } } _layer = 0x00007ff1ab5a10a0 _gestureInfo = nil _gestureRecognizers = nil _subviewCache = 0x00007ff1ab51af30 @"0 objects" _charge = 0 _tag = 0 _viewDelegate = nil _backgroundColorSystemColorName = nil _countOfMotionEffectsInSubtree = 0 _countOfTraitChangeRespondersInDirectSubtree = 0 _retainCount = 2 _tintAdjustmentDimmingCount = 0 _shouldArchiveUIAppearanceTags = false _interactionTintColor = nil _minXVariable = 0x00007ff1ab5c6de0 _minYVariable = 0x00007ff1ab5c3050 _boundsWidthVariable = 0x00007ff1ab5c2dd0 _boundsHeightVariable = 0x00007ff1ab5c3070 _layoutEngine = 0x00007ff1ab5c2b60 _layoutDebuggingIdentifier = nil _internalConstraints = 0x00007ff1ab51af30 @"0 objects" _constraintsExceptingSubviewAutoresizingConstraints = 0x00007ff1ab5c3d30 @"0 objects" __presentationControllerToNotifyOnLayoutSubviews = 0x0006000000000000
presponder 打印出一个集成于UIResponder控件的消息传递链。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (lldb) presponder 0x7ff1ab5a6770 <UIView: 0x7ff1ab5a6770; frame = (75 362; 123 96); autoresize = RM+BM; layer = <CALayer: 0x7ff1ab5a10a0> > | <UIView: 0x7ff1ab5a6660; frame = (0 0; 320 568); autoresize = W+H; layer = <CALayer: 0x7ff1ab5a23c0>> | | <test.ViewController: 0x7ff1ab6380a0> | | | <UIWindow: 0x7ff1ab411de0; frame = (0 0; 320 568); gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x7ff1ab409a20>; layer = <UIWindowLayer: 0x7ff1ab417a90>> | | | | <UIApplication: 0x7ff1ab528330> | | | | | <test.AppDelegate: 0x7ff1ab40f050>